Thank You - Picture 1
Thank You - Picture 2

THANK - verb

(with obj.) express gratitude to (someone), especially by saying „Thank you“: Mac thanked for the meal and left.- used ironically to assign blame or responsibility for something: you have only yourself to thank for the plight you are in.

ORIGIN Old English thancian, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch and German danken; compare with THANKS - plural noun an expression of gratitude: festivals were held to give thanks for the harvest / a letter of thanks - a feeling of gratitude, another way of saying THANK YOU: thanks for being so helpful / many thanks

The New Oxford Dictionary of English – edited by Judy Pearsall, chief editor Patrick Hanks (OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS) 1999.

Thought, idea, plan, project, realization, completion... None of those exist without words. A word is a simple sign, a symbol. Therefore neither a thought, the internal, neither the world, the external, do exist without a sign that serve as a proclamation in a form of statement / output, and as an explanation in a form of decree/ input. Our emotions and energies, the sum of volitional and non-volitional mental contractions and impulses, has to be expressed succinctly and simply. And this is because the truth and impressiveness of statement are disclosed in laconic succinctness.

If in the process we discover two or three layers of meaning within an apparently banal symbol, all the better,since we shall discover how even the most ordinary expression can contain the subtle polysemy, assembled like an endless husk shell, that that we can keep opening forever, yet never reaching the evading nucleus.

In the case of Thank You sign, it is located within the transmission of roles we assume. From a patronizing praise-noun expressed by a superior individual, to the cold detachment of institution that is being decisive in relinquishing its responsibility, to the submissive service of participle... If purity, sanctity and redeeming power are the attributions we can ascribe to a physical work within a class of nouns, faith (religion) and art, than sanctity in this case belongs to other meanings of Thank You, ones in the service of participle. The individuals that are, by the means of this project, the recipients of the new year's Thank You, exist as the signs of time, in the sense in which these engaged individuals understand the multiplying complexities of interwoven co-ordinate systems of today's society. Thank You is also directed at those groups that are connected by their artistic focus on the intellectual and cultural intimacy of an individual, which they research through the use of science, politics and media.

Also, Thank You is directed at a contemporary and flexible manner in which those groups express their projects, projects that can exist only as comments at today's point in human history. However, nothing more is needed!

Nino Sorić